2021 to 2022


Combining people with end-to-end technology to make lettings & property management easy for renters & landlords.
Designs accurate as of the completion of the project - July 2022.
Unfortunately due to an NDA images only permitted images the platform can be shown.
Focus groups
The tasks at hand
To assess, test and audit the user experience and interface of the Herddle platform across both mobile and desktop
Re-design the customer experience according to the latest UX principles and industry standards with a focus on scalability
Create a bespoke mobile experience incorporating a ‘lite’ approach to key features
The target audience
Herddle’s aim of connecting landlords, tenants and agents creates a broad user base with very different needs.
Required a simple and holistic way of managing their portfolio
Required a comprehensive suite of tools to manage and attract tenants. As well as manage property maintenance and regulation
Required an efficient way to see their rent payments, make and track maintenance reports
A look under the hood
Key decision makers for the audit.
  • High-rate of drop off from initial sign ups despite the apps advantages.
  • Poor reviews across the iOS and Google Play store due to a often highlighted poor overall experience and a dated UI with poor use of space and lack of information density.
  • No bland personas here - focused on finding real people and every day people to share their needs, wants and what they’d expect to see. This is behaviour based UX, not characteristic based UX.
Completing the audit
I undertook a month’s long review of Herddle’s current design infrastructure from their Figma files, to their component management and underlying UI framework. This also included looking at the current user mapping and data collection around users progress through the platform. The data was found to be incomplete and largely useless.

Along with this I sat down with users representing each of the distinct user categories for interviews, feedback sessions and product walkthroughs.
Tools used: Miro, Notion and Figma
Focused on extracting the core dislikes, feedback and frustrations of the products usability
Feedback sessions
A wider look both internally  and externally on the issues covering both usability, the design process and development comms.
Guided walkthroughs of the product by each of the stakeholders to get into the nitty gritty detail of the issues
Completing the audit
  • The onboarding experience lacked clear calls to action. As well as a sense of a lack of progress due to it’s length (10+ steps) and missing step counter.
  • Poor data representation with incompatible graph layouts and wasted space when no data was present.
  • No clear calls to action for managing maintenance requests, with features hidden 2-3 levels deep in burger menus.
  • Poor internal messaging UI and lack of notifications between tenants and agents, leading to long lead times to find easy resolutions.
  • Inconsistent use of button styles, font sizes, iconography and viewport widths.
  • No in-app or app based notifications.
  • Lack of accessibility features and poor accessibility (e.g poor contrast, incomplete headers and no text to speech support).
Levelling up
Moving forward
After assessing, collating and prioritising the feedback with the head of product. We created a roadmap setting out the essential and fundamental changes:
  • Moving the underlying CSS framework to Tailwind, leveraging it’s TailwindUI library to complete the redesign efficiently.
  • Implementing new accessibility features using RadixUI and guided by the W3C accessibility guidelines. Aiming to increase the apps usability across it’s very broad stakeholder groups.
  • Integrating tools such as Storybooks for better component management on the front-end and to reduce duplication.
  • Integrating Hotjar to collect better data around user movements and to find UX bottlenecks quicker.
  • Re-designing the entire user journey based on the feedback to be more bespoke to each stakeholder group..
Designed from the ground up for mobile
The desktop version also featured a comprehensive dashboard and additional utility functions depending on the user.


Check out Dribbble for even more work and random bits.