2019 to 2024


The simple way to perform financial checks ... Whether for AML or affordability purposes, ClearStake lets your customers share data in whatever way works for them
Designs accurate as of - April 2023
UX research
The tasks at hand
Design the customer experience according to the latest UX principles and industry standards with a focus on scalability
Focus on dashboards that provide concise, insightful and a format that best highlights the key trends
Create a bespoke mobile experience for customers completing affordability checks
Clear and concise
Gambling operators are facing ever greater regulation to prevent problematic gambling. This has culminated in the introduction of affordability checks for repeat users.

A key emphasis of the Clearstake platform is to provide operators with the best available data, in the best format for that data and users with the fastest and most concise experience.
How it's going so far
Increase in customers completing onboarding
Increase in revenue per customer
Reduction in staff time allocated to assessing customers
Rise in player engagement after UX overhaul
Building for all
ClearStake focuses on 2 very different stakeholders, operators and the operators users.

Operators consist mainly of compliance staff who review and analyse affordability triggers caused by customer deposits.

Users are as usual a wide variety of people, but with one aspect in common - increasing gambling spend.
Operator insights
  • Need an in-product solution that can be white-labelled.
  • Efficiency is key, operators only want to see the data that matters in approving/denying a request.
  • Top-level insights come first
  • Often non-technical or financially trained. Trends need be clearly highlighted and explained.
  • Current method consists of sending bank statements over emails - takes days to finish.
User insights
  • Will avoid any long compliance checks due to time wasted.
  • Provider agnostic - will happily switch provider if prevented from playing.
  • Digital journey is preferred.
Data efficiency
Using the collected data I analysed and filtered the best insights and devised the core operator strategy in collaboration with CPO and team. Features created post-analysis:
  • A white-label approach supporting multiple brands through a simple admin panel.
  • Allow managers to create rule based flows to only provide the data required to meet the objective as set out in the rules.
  • Allow managers to customise risk profiles, customising their risk matrices inline with their internal compliance processes
  • A dashboard system that provides top-level information with a 1-click option to view more specific data.
  • Introduction of score mechanic to show at a glimpse the suitability of a customer against the risk profile set.
  • Custom additional risk profile triggers.
Time efficiency
Using the collected data I analysed and filtered the best insights and devised the core operator strategy in collaboration with CPO and team. Features created post-analysis:
  • An in-product experience that mimics the look and feel of the native product.
  • Using open-banking to make decisions automatically based on available data. Preventing the time-wasting process of emailing bank statements.
  • Clear and specific objectives for the user, to ensure they know what data is required and how quickest to provide it.
  • Bonuses included for completing the check.
Work so far
As this is an on-going project only some assets are avaliable to show.


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